How to Merge Multiple Genre Segments

Bailey Lawson Updated by Bailey Lawson

You can now create live genre segments that will automatically update when a customer purchases a ticket for that specific genre. Below is how you can merge your pre-existing static genre segments with your new live segment so that all of your contacts live in one place.

Create a live segment for each genre

  1. On the left sidebar, click Segments> New Segment
  2. Name the segment something like "Genre_Title Live" (e.g; Hip Hop Live)
  3. Choose Live Segment as the segment type
  1. Click +Add Filter
  2. Under Categories, click Event Data > Purchased Ticket(s) > Purchased Tickets for Event Genre
  1. Select the Hip Hop genre from the dropdown
  1. Click Save Segment

Merge your pre-existing static genre segment with your newly created live segment

  1. Again, on the segments page, click +New segment
  2. Name the segment something like "Genre_Title Total" (e.g; Hip Hop Total)
  3. Choose Live Segment as the segment type
  4. Click +Add Filter
  5. Under categories, click Popular Filters > Segment
  1. Select the "Genre_Title Live" segment created in step 1) from the drop-down
  2. Click +Add Filter
  3. Under categories, click Popular Filters > Segment
  4. Select your pre-existing Hip Hop genre static segment from the drop-down
  5. Change the parameter from AND to OR, to ensure all contacts are merged
  6. Click Save Segment

Now all of your subscribers who purchase tickets for that specific genre will automatically be added to this segment.

Continue this process for each of your remaining genres!

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What are Segments?
