How to Integrate Magento with Hive

Bailey Lawson Updated by Bailey Lawson

Connecting your Magento store automatically imports your customer data into Hive. This will let you track and segment customers by purchase history to send targeted email campaigns and capture revenue.

Enable the Magento Integration

  1. In your Magento account, click System in the bottom left corner and then click Integrations.
  1. Then click the Add New Integration button on the right-hand side of the page.
  1. On the Integration Info page in the General section, type a name for the integration (for example: "Hive Integration"). Then type your password in the Current User Identity Verification section.
  1. Click the API setting option, then click the drop-down next to Resource Access and select All. This gives permission to the integration to access Magento.
  1. Click the Save button at the top of the page.
  1. In the Integrations table, the status of the Hive integration will show as Inactive. To activate, click the Activate hyperlink in the third column.
  1. Magento will then show all permissions granted for the Hive integration. Click Allow to create the Hive integration.
  1. Copy the Access Token extension from the Integration Tokens for Extensions page.
  1. Log into your Hive account, click Settings in the bottom left corner, and then click Connect Data Sources. Type in Your Store Name in the field and paste your Access Token, then click Connect.

Once you're connected, we’ll import your contacts from Magento and add them to your Contact List. Hive will consistently update your contact list when there are new interactions with your store. You'll be able to see the full list under Magento Segments on the Segments page.

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