How to Customize a Pre-Built Welcome Automation

Bailey Lawson Updated by Bailey Lawson

Sync your newsletter signups directly into Hive via a capture app such as a signup form, signup page, or the Hive SDK. Once you’ve decided how to capture your signups, you can send an automated email to your subscribers as soon as they join your mailing list.

  1. If you've already created a Hive signup form, go to your Signup Form page and click the pencil icon beside your Signup Form.
  1. On the Edit Signup Form page, click the Save & Get Embed Code button.
  1. Then click the Edit Welcome Email/SMS button.
  1. A Welcome Automation will be automatically created with your signup form segment selected and will look similar to the image below. Then skip to the Save Global Rules step!

Set Up a Pre-Built Welcome Automation

  1. On your Email Automations page, click the Welcome automation block
  1. Click Enters Segment - Type in and choose the segment that's associated with your signup capture app (Signup form, signup page, SDK) from the autofill dropdown, then click Save Trigger

Save Global Rules

  1. Click Global Rules to decide how subscribers will stay in the automation if there are multiple steps. Typically, additional global rules are not needed for Welcome Automation, as the only requirement is that they've entered and have not been removed from the selected segment.

Customize Your Welcome Email

  1. Click the "Welcome to the list!" icon to view the pre-configured email details or swap in your own. Scroll down to Template where you can edit the featured template or swap in your own. Click Save Email to save any updates
Note: Include a button in your template that says "Confirm Your Subscription" and link the button below to your homepage. A click on the first email a subscriber receives from you is one of the top signals to ISPs (Gmail, Outlook, etc.) that they want to receive future emails, ensuring better placement in the future (think: less hitting the spam folder, more hitting the inbox!)

Turn Welcome Automation On

  1. Click the toggle in the top right beside Paused to set your automation live!

You're finished! Your new subscribers will receive a Welcome email from you when they sign up for your list on your website.

How did we do?

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