Manually Importing Subscription Status

Bailey Lawson Updated by Bailey Lawson

Getting Started

  1. To import subscription status, on your Import Contact page, click Upload CSV File.=
  1. Click Choose File to upload your CSV
  1. In the Segment Name(s) section, decide on a Segment name that all emails in the CSV will sync into.
  2. For the "First Row is Head?" check box, click this if the first row of your CSV includes column titles.
  3. For the columns you want to be imported, select the column types by clicking the dropdown boxes. Hive will auto-select some column types (such as Email, First name). In the section below, we will walk through what column type to select for the subscription status column.

Selecting the Column Type for Subscription Status

  1. When importing a CSV of emails, all emails are marked as subscribed unless the email address already exists in your Hive account as unsubscribed. If that is the case, they will stay marked as unsubscribed.
  2. To know which emails from the CSV need to be manually unsubscribed, the emails need to be separated into two static segments. You can do this by selecting the column type Add to Static Segment(s) (comma separated) in the dropdown box. All the emails that have the same text in the subscription status column will be added to a static segment with that name. Once the file is imported, you will unsubscribe the static segment with the unsubscribed email addresses.
For example: In the below GIF, all the emails with "Yes" in the subscription status column will be added to a static segment called "Yes". All the emails with "No" in the subscription status column will be added to a static segment called "No".
  1. Then click the Start Import button.

Manually Unsubscribing Imported Emails

Once your file is imported, on Your Segment page search for the static segment that has the email addresses that need to be unsubscribed. In the GIF example, we will search for the static segment "No".

  1. Then click Actions, View Users in Segment.
  1. Then click More..., click Unsubscribe Selected users from email

  1. Type unsubscribe to permanently unsubscribe the users.

How did we do?

Types of Data That Can be Manually Imported

Required Columns for Importing CSVs
