How to Add a Discount Code to Your Emails

Bailey Lawson Updated by Bailey Lawson

Shopify discount codes can be added in an email by inserting a merge tag. These work well in an abandoned cart or winback email automation.

Connect Your Shopify Store

  1. Click Settings in the bottom left corner > Connect Data Sources
  2. Type your store name in the Shopify field and click Connect

Add Discount Code In Email

  1. Click the Insert Merge Tag button in the bottom row of the template editor.
  1. Under Categories, select Shopify Discount Merge Tags, hover over and click to copy, then paste in your email. Customize SHOPIFY-DISCOUNT-CODE with one of your pre-existing coupon codes.

Unique Discount Code{{ discount.unique_code|shopify_code:'ADD-SHOPIFY-CODE-HERE' }}

Inserts a unique coupon code for each subscriber. The coupon code is associated with a Shopify coupon code. Unique Discount Code URL{{ discount.unique_code_checkout_url|shopify_code:'ADD-SHOPIFY-CODE-HERE' }}

Inserts the URL to a unique coupon code for each subscriber. The coupon code is associated with a Shopify coupon code. Can be used to link text, a button, or an image.

See a full list of merge tags you can include in your emails for better personalization.

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