Email Campaign Tips and Tricks
How to Track Subscribers Who Clicked a Specific Link
This will not work for the users who have open tracking disabled. To track which subscribers click on specific links in your email campaigns, you'll need to add a tracking parameter to your links. Th…
How HSTS Can Break Links in Hive
What is HSTS?. HSTS is a setting that website owners can turn on that forces everyone visiting their website to do so securely over HTTPS (even if the user requested the page over HTTP). HSTS can be…
How to Use Both AND and OR Conditions When Targeting Users
What is a Nested Query? If you're looking to send a campaign using both AND and OR between filters, this is called a nested query. For example, sending a campaign to: Segment A AND (Segment B OR Segm…
How to Set Default Merge Tag Values
Setting a Default Merge Tag. {{ example merge tag|default:"enter text" }} Adding |default:"enter text" to your pre-existing merge tag allows you to set a default word to populate when the recipient d…
Why Emails Show Different in Some Clients
Emails displaying differently in certain email clients is an issue that all ESPs experience, most commonly with Outlook. The way an email displays is dependent on the way the email client renders tha…
How to Include a PDF in Your Template
To include a PDF in your Hive template, hyperlink a button or a word to the PDF that is hosted on your website or through another PDF hosting platform. Note : You can't directly embed or attach a PDF…
How to Add a GIF to Your Template
Videos can't be embedded directly into templates because email clients like Gmail, Outlook, and others don’t support the technical requirements needed to play videos from a template. What you can do…
How Open Rates Are Calculated
Open rates are calculated based on the recipients of the campaign who are not using an email client that blocks open tracking. In 2021, Apple launched iOS15 which gave Apple users the option to disab…
How to Add "View Email in Browser" URL to Template
Note: The "View Email in Browser" link is disabled when viewing an email preview or when sending a test email. The link is enabled once an email campaign is sent. When editing your template, click th…