
How to Create Segments

Creating Segments from the Segments Page. Click Segments in the left sidebar and click + New Segment. Select whether you want to create a Live Segment or a Static Segment. Note : A live segment captu…

Bailey Lawson
Updated by Bailey Lawson

How to Exclude a Subset of Contacts While Using Multiple Filters

Your contact list includes hundreds of filters that helps you build segments to send specific marketing campaigns to. To search through your contact list, click Contact List in the left sidebar > Vie…

Bailey Lawson
Updated by Bailey Lawson

What is the "Subscribers Who Have Open Tracking Disabled" Segment?

Subscribers who are using an email client that blocks open tracking, are automatically added to the segment called "Subscribers Who Have Tracking Disabled". Hive receives no open tracking data from t…

Bailey Lawson
Updated by Bailey Lawson

What are Segments?

Segments let you create groups of subscribers. You can create a segment: By using filters on the Contact List. By typing in the segment name when importing a new CSV. Two Types of Segments:. Static S…

Bailey Lawson
Updated by Bailey Lawson

How to Merge Multiple Genre Segments

You can now create live genre segments that will automatically update when a customer purchases a ticket for that specific genre. Below is how you can merge your pre-existing static genre segments wi…

Bailey Lawson
Updated by Bailey Lawson
